Colin's Blog

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Ok so this last weekend the man had me working like a slave. Ok so maybe my job is pretty gravy but it is alot of time on your feet. We were out at Texas Motor Speedway for the big April NASCAR race. Clear Channel pays for four of us to camp in an RV on the infield right on turn one all weekend. We got out there Wedsnday night about 9 p.m. or so. We had to be awake and at the midway by 6:30 to set-up our gear. Thrusday was pretty tame not too many people at the speedway it was only qualifying for the BUSH series cars. Friday we had to be at the midway at 4:30am because we were doing a live broadcast with our morning show. One of the guests on the show was Stone Cold Steve Austin. I used to be quite a wrestling fan and it was pretty cool to meet the cat. Very nice guy as well, he stayed around for about 30 min to sign autographs for all the people that showed up to see him. Well Friday afternoon the sky started looking pretty nasty. The NASCAR officials went around to all the vendors on the midway and warned us of possible tornados and high winds and huge hail. They told us if the sirens went off to go to the designated shelters. Well I love...let me reinerate....I love thunder storms. So while everyone else is getting all worried I'm like a kid in a candy store constantly looking at the clouds above and listening to weather warnings. About 7pm or so we were all back at the RV on the infield listening to the weater reports and thinking about grilling up some steaks when the tornado sirens went off. Everyone took off running for the shelters. Well......everyone except the KZPS crew. We stood out side the RV staring at the clouds. After about 5 min or so we loaded up on cold beer and walked very casually across the infield to the shelters. When we got about halfway the NASCAR officials started screaming for us to run but we continued to casually walk to the shelter. When we got there I stood right outside the door and watched the clouds. The official made me go inside and then told me to stand right in front of the fucking window one foot from where I was standing outside. Yes sir I'm much safer here. Anyways the storm dropped alot of rain and some wind but nothing else and we went back to the RV and grilled up those steaks. Saturday night after we got off my boss and I sat in the RV and played guitar hero for 4 hours straight. Sunday I finally got to go home and was able to sleep in my own bed. The weekend was interesting from the work end. On the other end the boys played a show without me. It was very odd when I got a couple text messages that night saying why aren't you here, they just played my song and so on. So to get back at them I'm planning a solo peformance with time and location soon to come. Then I hear the boys came up with the brilliant idea for a reality TV show. I am the one that always come up with the brilliant ideas so I don't know how well this one will work out but we will see. Ok enough for now my fingers hurt from typing. Ok one more thing. Tommorow is 4/20 so to all of you fellow potheads.....HAPPY 4/20.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I know I know

I know I do not blog very often but I have to agree with Oz. I think that Chris and Keith do such a wondeful job with their witty humerous even sometimes serious blogs. My blogs suck and I know it and I'm ok with that. Well this weekend the boys are playing a show without me. This is a very odd thing to see a show on the calendar and know I'm not going to be there. So you guys all go out and show the boys that you guys like them too. I know most people come to see monkeyshyne just to see me play. So let's keep this a secret and everyone go out the The Garge in Denton Saturday night the 14th so maybe the other boys will feel the love that I feel every show. This weekend I will be at Texas Moto Speedway for NASCAR. I am going out there tonight and camping in the infield until Sunday night after the big race. So everyone have a great weekend. Peace love and duct tape.

p.s. Cliff got to tour the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium. Asshole didn't even invite me.....I'll get you my pretty I will get you ;)

Friday, March 30, 2007

I'm blog stupid

Ok i know I havent been blogging but I really haven't had much to say...we had an awesome show last saturday night and Scott had taken some really funny pictures and I was waiting for him to email them or post them on his site and he is very lazy and hasnt done so yet but i will be posting the funny pics of the show as soon as he emails them to me...other than that i have been working like a slave trying to get caught up.....the last couple weeks i was in the St. patty's day parade, I met Larry the cable guy, Played a killer show, and worked worked tommorow i have to work at the butt crack of dawn then rehearse all day and then still try to have some energy for a social life.......good luck right......well im off tonight and im not leaving the tonight is my chill night......enough babble for now...i will post those pics when i get them unitl then......peace love and duct tape

Monday, March 19, 2007

Hello where is my memo???

Ok I have been dying to blog but I never recieved the memo from "upper senior management" descibing what topics I can and can not blog about this week. So I will sit here in blog idle until I recieve the memo of acceptable topics for the week.

Peon Lower Management

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

My Story......

Ok by now you have read Chris's and Keith's Blogs so you know what went down this weekend. The only problem is you only know 2/3rds of the story. Picture this.....Oz and I went to Wal-Mart to get us all swimsuits for the hot tub. We went in to get only swimsuits. We came out with $130 worth of crap. We shopped for about 2 hours and I think went into every aisle they had. On top of that poor Oz also had to share a hotel room with Cliff and I and had to deal with two people that can wake the dead when they snore. Keith got mad and yelled at Chris and I in Ihop in front of everyone and made us cry a lil bit. But there was some other weird ass shit that happened this weekend. I'm thinking it was because of the full moon.

First off there was this mysterious hat Friday night that seemed to find it's way on all the sexy people's head. Just look how that magic hat makes the sexy look like perfection in a picture.

Also I played was during soundcheck but I was on stage and there was 2 people watching me perform my new song called "Durka durka durka jihad". I think the best thing that happened was when Chris told Keith the Spork salesman was outside so he lept off the stage and we were able to replace him

with a much better looking bassist. Now unfortunatley Keith figured out Chris's little scam and came back mad but Chris bought him Jagerbomb and gave him a hug and all was well.

That is my story and I'm sticking to it........

p.s. Boots........

Thursday, March 01, 2007

blah blah blogs

ok so not that anybody reads this but to make managment happy i decided to i will copy managements blog but ill change the word

blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog!!!!!

is everyone happy now???

btw we are in temple on friday and austin on saturday...woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentine's day ladies.............